Why Chabad Suite Website
Having an all-in-one system where your website seamlessly integrates with your CRM and Email Marketing platform is extremely valuable to an organization. With all the menial tasks around managing multiple platforms out of the way, you quickly discover new and creative ways of engaging your donors and constituents and organically expanding your organization's impact.
Out of the box, the website's forms integrate seamlessly with the CRM. The 'Contact Us' form stores submissions in the CRM as an activity, the 'email sign-up' block adds contacts to the newsletter group and the online donation form, which looks super clean, also integrate seamlessly with the CRM. With in-page editing, you are able to create content and edit your website seamlessly. The Website, The CRM and the Website administration sections are all accessed via your domain, www.yourchabad.com. User access will be determined by user roles: CRM Admin and Website Admin. Most importantly, the website will be beautiful and easy to manage.
Website Content Philosophy
Chabad Suite does not provide content for these websites. Our philosophy is that websites should be beautiful and its content should be concise and to the point. Every piece of content is an opportunity for your organization to communicate with your audience and to guide them towards an action that actualizes your organization's vision, purpose, and mission. Whether it be signing up for an event, giving a financial contribution or taking from their time to educate themselves about your cause and why it is so important. It is therefore crucial not to waste this opportunity or distract the user with generic, copy-pasted, content.
Less is more.
The design is at the forefront of this project. We've implemented the Chabad website design by Sruly Lipszyc, creator of Chabad Brand